24 Million Brits are Reckless Drivers, Warns Confused(cot)com
Released on: October 3, 2008, 4:07 am
Press Release Author: Caroline Spindlove
Industry: Transportation & Logistics
Press Release Summary: – Londoners and young drivers have the poorest manners on the roads –
– Northerners are the most dishonest drivers in the country –
– Wales is the safest place to drive in the UK –
Press Release Body: A whopping 24 million British motorists admit to having dangerous driving habits, with 1 in 5 claiming that they frequently eat or drink while driving along, and 1 in 2 (47%) admitting to often driving with one hand on the wheel, according to the latest research from Confused.com – the UK’s leading car insurance price comparison site.
The youngest drivers seem to be the most blasé about their driving faults, with 6% claiming to have no driving faults at all, compared with 34% of their more vigilant 55+ year-old driving counterparts. Despite this whiter-than-white claim, 17-24 year olds are the worst driving offenders, with 3 in 4 (75%) claiming to often drive with one hand on the wheel, and nearly 1 in 3 (29%) frequently breaking the speed limit.
Londoners have the poorest overall road manners, with more than 1 in 4 (26%) often forgetting to thank other motorists, 40% admitting to frequently speeding, and nearly 1 in 3 (30%) failing to indicate when turning. Wales fared the best, with 31% claiming that they had not picked up any bad driving habits at all.
However, despite their apparent erratic driving styles, Londoners are the most honest drivers with 4 in 5 (80%) claiming that they would leave their details if they bumped into another car, followed closely by 76% of Scottish motorists. Northern drivers own-up least often, with more than 1 in 3 (34%) claiming that they would drive on without leaving their details.
Simon Lamble, product director at Confused.com, says:
“It is so important to be vigilant, when driving on Britain’s roads, despite how good a driver you may think you are. Driving over the speed limit, eating and drinking at the wheel, and driving with one hand are all potentially dangerous habits which reduce your vehicle control. It is particularly shocking that younger drivers and London motorists are the most reckless, as their car insurance premiums are highest, initially.
“On average, a driver with three points will see premiums leap by 7%, rising to 25% for six points, and 50% for nine points. While nobody is perfect, we would advise motorists to take more care when driving. Planning your route and allowing extra time should reduce erratic driving behaviour, while recognising and trying to rectify your bad driving habits should result in less accidents and a reduction in convictions.�
* Research carried out by Tickbox, on behalf of Confused.com, in September 2008. 1200 motorists took part in the survey.
For further information please contact:
Caroline Spindlove/ Anna Bowes Confused.com 02920 434 398
Gug Kyriacou/ Joanna Harte Polhill Communications 020 7655 0550
Notes to editors
About Confused.com:
Confused.com is one of the UK’s biggest and most popular price comparison services.
Launched in 2002, it dominates the car
insurance aggregator market with a massive 70% market share and generates over
one million quotes per month. It has expanded its range of comparison products over the last couple of years to include home insurance, travel insurance, pet insurance, van insurance, motorbike insurance, breakdown cover and energy, as well as financial services products including credit cards, loans, mortgages and life insurance.
Confused.com has 74 motor insurance partners, and customers can save up to on average £208. It also has a panel of 54 for home insurance, and customers who use Confused.com for home insurance can expect to save up to £193.
Confused.com is not a supplier, insurance company or broker. It provides a free, objective and unbiased comparison service. By using cutting-edge technology, it has developed a series of intelligent web-based solutions that evaluate a number of risk factors to help customers with their decision-making, subsequently finding them great deals on a wide-range of insurance products, financial services, utilities and more. Confused.com’s service is based on the most up-to-date information provided by UK suppliers and industry regulators.
Confused.com is owned by the Admiral Group plc. Admiral listed on the London Stock Exchange in September 2004. Confused.com is regulated by the FSA.
Web Site: http://www.confused.com/
Contact Details: Cardiff 02920 434 398 pressoffice@confused.com
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